Using Instagram Like a Boss!
It’s safe to say that if you’re not on social media, you’re really not advertising your products or services at all. It may be even safer to say that if you’re not advertising on Instagram, there’s no way your business or personal brand will see any level of success. Strong words, but because of Instagram’s 500 million current, active users (set to grow continuously and possibly outpace Facebook in a few years!) and over 200,000 advertisers, they may not be too crazy.
The simplicity of the user experience is what sets Instagram apart from many of the other social networking sites. Scrolling through images without any unnecessary clutter is what makes it so popular – particularly among the millennial generation. But even if you’re not targeting young adults only, Instagram is the platform that can yield a great return on your digital investment. Using it along with AdRoll’s top-of-the-line social attraction and conversion ads and you’ve really got a winning formula!
Instagram + AdRoll = ????
AdRoll’s social media marketing and advertising philosophy are straightforward: attract the right shoppers, convert or reconnect with them, and measure the impact of your ads. To help you understand their philosophy and how it matches perfectly with Instagram, they’ve created The Performance Advertiser’s Guide to Instagram:
It’s a short, but in-depth, guide to learning how to use one of the top social media platforms. It will also show how it will benefit your bottom line, how to integrate AdRoll’s remarketing/retargeting processes, and how that could increase clicks and lower CPA – without sacrificing quality.
Contact us today to experience how Spearhead Sales and Marketing brings maximum, sustainable impact to businesses that are dedicated to optimized sales and growth. We focus on tailored programs in both the traditional and digital spaces that maximize relationship building, lead generation, innovative marketing technology tools, sales partnerships, digital services, and strategic planning and development to build your customer base and close sales. Spearhead will be your agency of record for record-breaking performance!